Make sure your centre is on-stage for the AIPC 2023 Innovation Award!

Date: 23/01/2023


Make sure your centre is on-stage for the AIPC 2023 Innovation Award!

The AIPC Innovation Award has quickly established itself as a valuable forum for centre creativity and an opportunity for you to showcase what your centre is doing to advance not just your own prospects but enhance the industry as a whole! Start now to plan your centre’s entry.

The AIPC Innovation Award reflects AIPC’s mission of “Encouraging and recognizing excellence in convention centre management”. It is made for projects or initiatives that represent “innovation” in the true sense of the word; that is, the development of a new, more creative or more effective approach to any aspect of convention centre management, operations or marketing.

Past Innovation Award programs have featured a wide range of creative new systems, procedures, market strategies and organizational structures, essentially every aspect of centre management, operations and marketing. From systems to sales and from financial management to sustainability, the Innovation entries have stimulated discussion, opened up new possibilities and won creative centres accolades for their originators.

Best of all, this is an Award where everyone can compete on an equal basis – it’s all about ideas and creativity, and centre size or investment are generally very secondary. This means that the Innovation Award is open to every member and all have an equal chance to demonstrate their capabilities and creativity.

Read More on the AIPC Innovation Awards

The closing date for the 2023 AIPC Innovation Award is April 28 and full entry details and requirements are available via


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