How to join ?

Join AIPC and you will become part of a vibrant, global community of 900 management-level professionals who all share the same ambition: deliver excellence to their customers.

By joining AIPC, you will get access to all its different programmes: education, quality standards, research and much more. AIPC also facilitates active networking and knowledge sharing, allowing to learn from each other and to be recognized for excellence in convention centre management.

In a rapidly changing environment, collaboration and partnerships are essential to move to the next normal and grow together.  As a truly global association, AIPC makes that possible. Join now.

Are you a venue?

To become a member of AIPC, you must first complete an application form. This will allow the Board of Directors to decide, based on the following factors:

An engagement and/or interest in addressing the international meetings market

A demonstrated commitment to pursuing AIPC objectives with regard to excellence in convention centre management

The capability to address 1 and 2 by virtue of the facilities and programs in place in a potential member facility

an international event is defined as one having a minimum of 100 participants and which either rotates through or has significant participation from at least three countries

The AIPC member application form is designed to provide the Board with sufficient information to enable them to successfully review the prospective member’s request for membership. This information will include:

Demonstration of a commitment to implement the AIPC Quality Standards program as well as information regarding any other accreditation program that the prospective member has achieved

Provision of financial information that demonstrates the international nature of their business and marketing goals strategy

A site inspection of the facility and review of services conducted by an AIPC Board member or designated alternate in order to confirm the prospective members’ ability to satisfy the expectations as set out in the AIPC Convention Centre Criteria checklist.

Please note that the cost for the inspection trip is born by the applicant. In specific cases, with prior approval by the AIPC Board, the site inspection can be replaced by a written recommendation by two AIPC members that are eligible to do so after having completed 5 subsequent years of AIPC membership.

Membership of AIPC becomes official upon approval by the Board of Directors as per the above procedure and with payment of the Entrance Fee and first year Membership Fee. AIPC membership includes access to all AIPC activities.

The Board of Directors will then recommend acceptance of the new member at the subsequent General Assembly.

Provisional membership

Recognizing the importance of the application of AIPC programs and standards as inputs to the development of centres engaged in the design and construction processes, a centre in the process of development / construction can be admitted as a provisional member, subject to successfully completing the application process as described above, and provided that:

  1. The intended facility meets other membership criteria such as international market orientation, stand-alone / purpose built definitions. New facilities must provide all business and financial forecasts where actual historic data is unavailable and these forecasts must respond to membership criteria in the same way as actual data from an existing centre
  2. The program as proposed demonstrates an intention to apply for and / or adopt AIPC Quality Standards upon completion
  3. The project has achieved a level of program development such that funding has been identified and a decision to proceed has been given formal approval.

Provisional membership is subject to confirmation by the Board of Directors one year after opening and following re-submission of all membership application material. Should the provisional member not meet the membership criteria as described above at this time, membership will be terminated. There will be no reimbursement of any fees paid to AIPC in the interim.

Are you a Business Partner?

By becoming an AIPC Business Partner, you obtain access to a global network of 180 venues in 57 countries and you will be able to share your knowledge, demonstrate your thought leadership and showcase your products and services.

The collaboration with the AIPC Business Partners allows to:

Stimulate the exchange of knowledge between the Business Partners and AIPC Members on specific areas such as technology, infrastructure, design or market research

Leverage the know-how of the Business Partners when developing educational or research programmes for our members

Create partnerships between the Business Partners and the AIPC Community in pursuing the collective goal of management excellence.

These objectives are achieved via unique networking opportunities, participation to the educational programme and a continuous exchange of information via different channels. As a result, the AIPC Business Partners are an integral part of AIPC’s successful association programme.

For more information, please contact

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