AIPC – Shaw Center elected best Convention Center of the world

Date: 31/08/2021


The Shaw Centre, Ottawa, Canada has now been confirmed as the winner in the 2020 edition of the prestigious AIPC Apex Award competition for “Best Client Rated Convention Centre”. This Award, which has been maintained by the International Association of Convention Centre (AIPC) for over 20 years, has achieved international recognition and respect due to the fact that competitors are rated entirely on the basis of a comprehensive set of ratings from centre clients tabulated by the global market research company Ipsos.

“The AIPC Apex Award has a long and highly respected history in the meetings market which means the winner gains a great deal of respect from peers and leverage in the market, said AIPC President Greg O’Dell. “This of course translates into better business prospects – but experience has shown that it doesn’t end there. It is also a source of pride amongst staff and a boost in community appreciation, both of which are also of great benefit to a centre, and that’s why being a finalist is in itself a real accomplishment”.

O’Dell noted that for 2018 Ipsos has surveyed over 768 client references put forward by participating centres – a significant sample that illustrates the comprehensive nature of client polling. “This means that we are talking about a very strong basis for the evaluation of competitors, and again, the reason for the credibility of this award”.

Due to the pandemic, the announcement was postponed to the 2021 edition of the AIPC Annual Conference, along with a presentation of the other 18 finalists – on a total of 24 qualified entrants. “The Apex Award is a crowning achievement, which is why it is so intensely contested and comprehensively judged”, said Sven Bossu, CEO of AIPC.


About AIPC –The International Association of Convention Centres: Founded in 1958, AIPC is a global network of some 190 leading centres in 61 countries with the active involvement of more than 900 management-level professionals. Its mission is to encourage, support and recognize excellence in convention centre management, based on the diverse experience and expertise of its international membership, and it maintains a full range of educational, research, networking and management standards programmes in order to achieve this. AIPC recognises and actively promotes the essential role of the international meetings industry in supporting economic, academic and professional development in communities where its members are located as well as enhancing global relations amongst diverse business and cultural interests worldwide.

 For more information, visit or contact the AIPC Secretariat at

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